Whanowa is taking over the scene

Hello and welcome to the sixth issue of the #BlogMonday series! Today we will be looking over last week’s exciting releases, as well as upcoming ones. You can check out last week’s blogs here, where we look back at Corrupted Films’ Diversion Finale!
For those of you who don’t know, Baker+ is a streaming platform for films made in computer games, using their engines or modifications to animate camera movements. By distributing creations on our platform, we offer a focused exposure to their production.
Blog posts will be made every #BlogMonday. This will allow us to do weekly updates, as well as an overview for the following week, going through the latest releases and upcoming shows and movies! You can also find all of our latest releases by following bakerplus.net.
For the next several weeks, Whanowa’s GTA shorts will be spicing up Baker+. Up until the 16th of June, we will be receiving weekly uploads of their content every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC!
‘Apnoe’, the first episode of the collected shorts, dropped last Wednesday. It is a short GTA V cinematic. It is a very abstract and unique take on GTA machinima, and definitely a worthwhile and disturbing experience.
“The things that calm you down can be extremely terrifying at the same time.” – Apnoe Description
✚ All series on Baker+ can be found at bakerplus.net/category/shows!
A Baker+ Original will be coming to our platform soon, directed by Louis from Arcee Studios, the creators of Malaika.
“A german special elite unit infiltrates a US Outpost. This mission is to go by unnoticed, however, the term special is especially fitting as the unit is also called the Stammtisch Unit. While the unit’s name is widely known, the american soldiers don’t yet know their true power.” – Louis, Director of Abfahrt
In “Abfahrt“, the american encounter the Stammtisch unit for the first time and are unsuccessful in their mission. They desperately try to defend their outpost, always hopeful, but they don’t see that one of the Stammtisch Unit Members is already among their ranks…
Stay tuned to find out what happens – Abfahrt coming soon to Baker+.
✚ Check out the first teaser trailer for Abfahrt!
Today, ‘Siege’ by TSCStudio went live on Baker+, and it follows up from Lathein & the Shattered Crown War, setting up the world of Landra for the Tribunal Plot. It introduces the new characters which we will see in TSC’s upcoming Movie “The Remnant”.
Sadly, Siege is the last TSC weekly upload for Baker+. We couldn’t be more than happy to have all of this amazing content on our website – ranging from minecraft movies “Lathein” and “The Golden Sword” to shorts like “The Voice” and “Dawn”. We hope to have more TSC content shared on Baker+ soon!
We are always excited to have more content featured on our platform to make machinima watching easy and enjoyable for you. Whether you’re in for an adventure, or on the edge of your seat during a horror, Baker+ provides it all.
If you are a filmmaker and have a production you would like to have featured on Baker+, please reach out to a Baker+ Team Member of the Distribution Team and they will inform you about further steps. This can be done on our Discord Server, where you can contact us directly and stay updated with the latest news!
Alright, thank you for reading this issue of our Baker+ Blog Series. If you have any questions, you can contact us on any of the services below. #BlogMonday
Want to have your content featured? Email me at [email protected]

Former Creative Manager for Baker+
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[…] Home Blog Monday Tossler’s ‘The Game: Rebooted’ played the Weekend Whanowa is taking over the scene […]
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